
Passionate Professionals Who Care About Helping You Get To Your Happiest Life

How To Treat Pulled Muscles

So you pulled a muscle? If you’ve ever been in this situation, you know how very inconvenient and painful it can be! Today I want to provide you with some simple practices that will have you feeling like yourself again in no time! Take a look, and message me if you need help addressing an issue! As always, I am happy to help!

How to Avoid Colds

Cold season is in full effect! BOO! I have already had some clients get head colds, and the flu. Your diet can play a large role in helping you avoid these inconvenient sicknesses! Here are a couple ways you can use your diet to keep your immune system functioning efficiently!

So you have tight IT Bands? That is okay, this situation is very common amongst active adults! The good news is the issues is 100% fixable and you are at little to no risk of major injury, as long as the issue is addressed. Listed below are the most common reasons you may be experiencing pain in your IT bands, and how to address them! Take a look and put these practices to work ASAP.

Although I am not a huge user of supplements, I do see benefits from using a couple specific supplements that have been backed by research and proven to benefit its users. Resveratrol is one of those supplements. Resveratrol is regarded for its anti-aging properties, however there are many other benefits that I would like to bring to your attention today! Take a look and think about adding this supplement to your repertoire if you haven’t already.


Losing weight as a senior is not much different from losing weight at any other point in your life. You need to burn more energy than you consume, eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, and avoid sugary foods. However, you may be worried that you now need to contend with a slower metabolism and a changing body. Understanding what these changes actually mean is the key to achieving healthy weight loss as a senior. Read on to learn more

FREE Meal Prep Guide

If you have health and fitness goals, you already know that your nutrition plays a HUGE role in making them happen: eating healthy, “clean,” wholefood meals will speed up your results exponentially. But if you're like most busy people, you don't have countless hours to spend in the kitchen each day. The good news is, you don’t have to! This e-book will outline exactly HOW you can prepare and store healthy meals without spending an entire weekend day in the kitchen doing “meal prep” (unless you really want to!)

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